Monday, January 27, 2020


Sickness, diarrhea and terrible abdominal pain. At the height of this flu season since its rampant I couldn't take a chance. Very dehydrated. So thirsty.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Friday, January 17, 2020

2020 flu

So after 16 days of being sick I am finally feeling slightly better. Now I have to get back in the gym and burn off this winter sick lazy weight.
For my hair but which makes me feel 100% better. Now its work work work.

Time again to live life because being given. Gift that kept me here I have to honor my donor for there gift.
No more BS that stops me from going forward. I am blessed and on a roll.
Happy Friday. If you know me text me and say hi. I wont bite and believe it or not I have left my past behind and got on with life, leaving the petty shit behind.
But cross me and I will come at you like a spider monkey 🐒

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Update on my little mate, Tyler.

This is an update from his mother Holly.  One heck of a strong woman.

My apologies for not posting in a while- here's a long overdue update on what's been happening.

Unfortunately Tyler has been losing weight over the past few months. While it's not surprising given his inability to absorb fat, this downward trend is not good. We are hoping that he can gain some of the weight back but his little body just doesn't absorb like yours and mine does. This is from his liver not working as it should. There is a possibility that he will have to get an NG tube placed, they would like to discuss this at our next clinic visit. I am really hoping he has gained atleast a pound or two back, to avoid having to go this route. Tyler had one of these tubes as a baby and it was not pleasant. 

When the liver transplant coordinator nurse called last week to discuss his weight loss, she mentioned that they got a liver offer for Tyler the week of Christmas. Unfortunately, it wasn't a suitable liver. They have access to the donor labs, cause of death, etc., and based on the factors, it just wasn't a 'good liver'. It gives me a little assurance though that his time is coming, or at least we pray so. 

Today I received another call from his liver transplant nurse. She called to go over his recent blood lab results. His liver enzymes are higher than normal, but nothing alarming. However, the concern at stake now is that the routine lab test that they give every couple of months to screen for cancer, called an Alpha-1-Fetaprotein tumor blood test, came back with an abnormal result. He had a concerning jump in his AFP level. So they would like to do an ultrasound of his liver as soon as they can, to see if there is an abnormality in cells or lesions on his liver.  We won't know anything until the imaging is complete. They are going to schedule this and get back to me as to when it will take place. Until then, I am asking any and all prayer warriors to please keep Tyler close in prayer. I haven't shared any of these lab findings with him, because he has enough on his plate to contend with. 
I will give another update as soon as we get more answers and info.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Saturday night gig

So it's time for Josh to start gigging again starting 2020 at Hall of two Truthd 9n North High Street. Then the 8th and the 22nd of January, family night and Gibbys.

Hoping to be a successful year for us all. Mark

Thursday, January 2, 2020

3rd annual community NYE party

Ron and myself after the midnight pumpkin drop.

2020 is going to be an interesting one.
Happy New year and happy birthday of you're celebrating them both.

Something to show that the poli e are taking sketches seriously.