Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Wishing you all a very Happy New Year. 2015 is going to be awesome, just watch this space.

Monday, December 22, 2014


You have to smile at everyone and with everyone. Then make  someone smile which in turn will make you smile. Happy Monday.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Super Hero Buddy

This is the face of 2014. My new Super Hero Buddy. Michael Culp Jr you inspire me and you are thank goodness on the road to recovery.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Angels are everywhere.

Every good man has a even better good woman behind them. This is my good woman. She stands behind everything I do, she saved my life, literally, she guides me, protects me and loves me. She is my rock and my soul mate. Thank you Tracey Sandy for being there, for another tough but easier year. 
You hear me talk about what I have achieved but here's something that this year Tracey has achieved. She started a giving tree facebook group and came across a young girl with a child and one on the way. The child that was due was unfortunately going to have health issues. She was asking for kids clothes, so Tracey went and bought her some, even though we are financially struggling ourselves. To date, Maggie, the young girl she first helped has now got a whole bunch of baby stuff from her baby shower and she now has an apartment. All of the woman at the Circleville Nazarene, Stephanie and Allison are amazing as they have changed this young girls life. All started by my awesome wife.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Thumbs Up

So there goes another week. The week started with 101 tests at Cleveland Clinic, today I was back at Cardio Therapy and loved it. Tomorrow I have lots of medical updates and then we move into Christmas week. Today my mum told me that last Christmas was so relaxing because I think she got to put her feet up and didn't have to worry about me. As long as Christmas day brings my kids together and makes them smile then it's all worth it. 2015 is going to be an awesome year, whether I get a new heart or not I am not going to struggle with it. I am going to do everything I can to change the little world I live in for the better. Donate Life, Project H2O Uganda and many many more projects. Happy Friday Eve and be safe in the coming snow storms.

Monday, December 15, 2014


On my way to Cleveland again for  heart transplant testing. Fingers crosses that everthing is ok.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

New website look!

So hopefully the new website looks good and is easy to navigate. Still plenty of updates but I think it looks awesome.g

Sunday, December 7, 2014

My New LVAD Video Blog Channel

Come and check out my channel on
Share it, like it and SUBSCRIBE to it.
It's basically for LVADers but it might allow you to see into a bit of my world.


Thursday, December 4, 2014


First day back to cardio therapy was pretty good. A little short of breath, crunchy knees due to the degenerative affects of critically low calcium. But overall I feel good. Still very drained and honestly the cold air this morning took my breath away. Hopefully I can relax and get a good nights sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a good day.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Hump Day

So it was a bit of a hump day, I felt drained, my driveline exit has a slight infection and it's cold. Tomorrow I start cardio therapy again and I have to start focusing on my future. Mentally it's tough but I have a lot of people supporting me.
Just made my first LVAD STRONG youtube video blog so hopefully that'll keep me busy.
Last night I was honored to receive an award for the time I've put in this year with Donate Life but really it's about you, you could need a donor tomorrow, so any awards or dinners or t-shirts can't mend the lacking support that the word has for Donating Life! It's a tough thing to ask.
I missed Feed the Flocks appreciation dinner tonight but I really didn't have the energy. For now it's time to do some updates and get to bed.  Mark