Tuesday, April 14, 2020

YNOTT collaborates with Heartofmark.com

Tyler is 1 month out of his liver transplant. Cant wait to see him in a few months.

Had an awesome online meeting with some amazing leaders all around the country. 
Talked about collaborating with YNOTT foundation which is really exciting because with all the bad things that happened in the last few years, it's a breath of fresh air to think about my future with Healing Hearts of Central Ohio which is going to be great attending meetings and recruiting to members. Knowing everything I went through although saved my life my whole presence on this Earth changed. I became a different man, not for the good either. Medications made me sick, angry, depressed. 6 years with oxygen deprived times finally affected my brain. Sometimes the will to live caught up with me and was very real. A new heart solved one issue but then you trade one problem for another.
I know that we are all different and I know by discussions, only probably 1 or 2 doctors knew of my behavior change.
That's behind me now and I am working on some amazing things. 
So that's like the 4th Monday now behind my front door and although I cant wait to get back to it, I wont venture out until I am 100% safe. 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Quick updates in photos.

Spring has returned but still have the covid 19 withus.

Now go shopping at the pick up isle. Not going to get it after 4 weeks in quarantine