Thursday, October 15, 2020


Today I hung out with my mate at his new appartment building. Looks more like a 3 story town house but trust me it's not. Not bad for 600k while his new penthouse is being built for 2.5mil!

How our lives are so different but we are both rich, just in different ways. 
Been quite an eye opener and makes me miss working. I surely could find a supercars for a good price and sell it for a good profit. 
So tomorrow I look at life again and maybe take s different direction. 

Friday, October 9, 2020

Surgery again.

Back to OSU for another surgery, but before that I have to get a covid 19 test and then quarantine until surgery which is the 16th of October. This is the hernia repair from my transplant. Couldn't have come at a worst time as I cant lift anything for 6 weeks. 
So one good but of news is our attorney says we have a good case, also the CDC form will be coming out and being delivered personally to the church. The covid 19 numbers are rising again and I do not want to catch it. It would kill me. Going to look at properties is t safe either. Well just pray that all goes well for me.

Above is the camera man who filmed to be part of a documentary. 

And here's Milo posing for her photo. She is my security blanket when feeling crappy.

Peace to you all.

I have a favor. Please write a comment of where you found my blog and who you are because I have no idea who reads it. 