Friday, October 9, 2020

Surgery again.

Back to OSU for another surgery, but before that I have to get a covid 19 test and then quarantine until surgery which is the 16th of October. This is the hernia repair from my transplant. Couldn't have come at a worst time as I cant lift anything for 6 weeks. 
So one good but of news is our attorney says we have a good case, also the CDC form will be coming out and being delivered personally to the church. The covid 19 numbers are rising again and I do not want to catch it. It would kill me. Going to look at properties is t safe either. Well just pray that all goes well for me.

Above is the camera man who filmed to be part of a documentary. 

And here's Milo posing for her photo. She is my security blanket when feeling crappy.

Peace to you all.

I have a favor. Please write a comment of where you found my blog and who you are because I have no idea who reads it. 