Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Wishing you all a very Happy New Year. 2015 is going to be awesome, just watch this space.

Monday, December 22, 2014


You have to smile at everyone and with everyone. Then make  someone smile which in turn will make you smile. Happy Monday.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Super Hero Buddy

This is the face of 2014. My new Super Hero Buddy. Michael Culp Jr you inspire me and you are thank goodness on the road to recovery.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Angels are everywhere.

Every good man has a even better good woman behind them. This is my good woman. She stands behind everything I do, she saved my life, literally, she guides me, protects me and loves me. She is my rock and my soul mate. Thank you Tracey Sandy for being there, for another tough but easier year. 
You hear me talk about what I have achieved but here's something that this year Tracey has achieved. She started a giving tree facebook group and came across a young girl with a child and one on the way. The child that was due was unfortunately going to have health issues. She was asking for kids clothes, so Tracey went and bought her some, even though we are financially struggling ourselves. To date, Maggie, the young girl she first helped has now got a whole bunch of baby stuff from her baby shower and she now has an apartment. All of the woman at the Circleville Nazarene, Stephanie and Allison are amazing as they have changed this young girls life. All started by my awesome wife.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Thumbs Up

So there goes another week. The week started with 101 tests at Cleveland Clinic, today I was back at Cardio Therapy and loved it. Tomorrow I have lots of medical updates and then we move into Christmas week. Today my mum told me that last Christmas was so relaxing because I think she got to put her feet up and didn't have to worry about me. As long as Christmas day brings my kids together and makes them smile then it's all worth it. 2015 is going to be an awesome year, whether I get a new heart or not I am not going to struggle with it. I am going to do everything I can to change the little world I live in for the better. Donate Life, Project H2O Uganda and many many more projects. Happy Friday Eve and be safe in the coming snow storms.

Monday, December 15, 2014


On my way to Cleveland again for  heart transplant testing. Fingers crosses that everthing is ok.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

New website look!

So hopefully the new website looks good and is easy to navigate. Still plenty of updates but I think it looks awesome.g

Sunday, December 7, 2014

My New LVAD Video Blog Channel

Come and check out my channel on
Share it, like it and SUBSCRIBE to it.
It's basically for LVADers but it might allow you to see into a bit of my world.


Thursday, December 4, 2014


First day back to cardio therapy was pretty good. A little short of breath, crunchy knees due to the degenerative affects of critically low calcium. But overall I feel good. Still very drained and honestly the cold air this morning took my breath away. Hopefully I can relax and get a good nights sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a good day.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Hump Day

So it was a bit of a hump day, I felt drained, my driveline exit has a slight infection and it's cold. Tomorrow I start cardio therapy again and I have to start focusing on my future. Mentally it's tough but I have a lot of people supporting me.
Just made my first LVAD STRONG youtube video blog so hopefully that'll keep me busy.
Last night I was honored to receive an award for the time I've put in this year with Donate Life but really it's about you, you could need a donor tomorrow, so any awards or dinners or t-shirts can't mend the lacking support that the word has for Donating Life! It's a tough thing to ask.
I missed Feed the Flocks appreciation dinner tonight but I really didn't have the energy. For now it's time to do some updates and get to bed.  Mark

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bloody nose

So my nose wouldn't stop bleeding and I had to go to the hospital just to make sure I didn't bleed out.
Home now but my nose is full of dry blood.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Rainy day

On my way to Cleveland clinic just to make sure all is ok. Miserable wet drive but thanks to my wife Tracey Bowling Sandy and Lori Bowling McClarren for making the day a little less stressful.
Pray for my little best friend joshua as he had tears this morning because he didn't want his dad to go and he was worried that I would be kept in hospital. I left the school with tears in my eyes.

I have so many things to worry about but why stress myself with worry when it'll all be resolved by patience, faith and hope.

The lord has got me this far and with his guidance he'll get me even further.

Have a safe day everyone.


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Getting wet

Getting wet sounds very dull and soggy but in my life it is not refreshing but dangerous. Two years of not walking in the rain is to most a wonderful thing. For me I dream of rain, oceans, pools and a proper refreshing non hindered shower.
Thank you lord for the courage to walk in the rain shower with a very thin poncho on.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Photo bomb

This is what happens when you take a photo at the zoo, a gorilla will photo bomb the photo!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 2nd.....

The trees are turning from rich greens to oranges, reds and brown. The leaves are fluttering down to earth with such grace and the branches now are naked and exposed.
For the first time I look at every tree that God has put in front of me. The life it brings, the sounds it creates and the beauty of its presence lives amongst us in a type of silence. They are everywhere and they are part of our life. The lord as created an amazing growing organism, right here, right now. We tend to miss them, not notice them until you get to realise that all this is not promised. I find beauty in everything, especially gods creations. 
Happy Thursday and enjoy the times of changing seasons.

Monday, September 29, 2014

#love #faith #hope

Just a simple conversation with a stranger may change their day for the better. Make someone feel goos about themselves.  We are all beautiful,  we all have a soul and we all need a hug. Change someones life today.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Who ever said summer was over lied. It's a gorgeous evening and I am loving life. God bless my lvad, my family and friends and my awesome faith. Wishing you as much happiness.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Church speech

If you think your church congregation would be inspired by my story please send me an email. Here's my speech if you'd like to listen.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Global t-shirt sales

It's awesome to get an email from a happy t-shirt customer, but even more awesome when they live abroad, in Germany.
I got a thank you email this morning which was great because there's nothing better than knowing you've made someone smile. My t-shirt designer Brad Osting sent the package and we took a loss to get it there by air mail but it wasn't really a loss. This is the point of my shirts. What money we do make it goes to the charity, what money we need to help some one embrace their LVAD is priceless.

Have LVAD day......oh and it's national cheese burger day, just saying!

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Hoping that this coming week is full of energy for me. Felt sluggish and yucky today. 
So I am sitting out on my back porch watching the birds catch the last of the bugs as the sun sets at 7.56pm. It's cool, it's pretty awesome because I hear the bugs and frogs and other little creatures calling out their dusk sounds. 
So this weekend has been strange as we as a couple feel like we get judged or we do things that others don't approve of. Myself and Tracey are very hard nosed people and tend to do what we thinks right. I apologize if we offend or have offended anyone before. We don't do things annoy, upset or make arguments, it's just the way we are and I guess that's why we married each other.
On that note, be safe and love one another.

Friday, September 12, 2014


Just finish a total update on the website. It's very frustrating when my laptop shuts down half way through updates but when you have no other options, The Lord looks down and tells me to be patient.

Monday, August 25, 2014


The cool thing about being sick is you get to learn about your body. Good and the bad!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Bucket challenge

Check out Joshua's ice bucket challenge and my #donatelife awareness in the background

Friday, August 1, 2014

Check out @DonateLifeOH's Tweet:

Monday, July 21, 2014


On the 27th of July 2014, my good friend Brenda Palm is leaving for Uganda. She will be surveying the well site, meeting the villagers and basically living a simple life for 10 days. This trip is being paid for by herself and she's not staying in any kind of hotel, motel or bed and breakfast. This is the real deal and I take my hat off to her. Doing something like this on your own is either crazy or you have a passion to see the goodness in life. Before she leaves I am going to set her up with a blog page and it will be viewed from 
Stay tuned.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Be back soon

Currently on vacation making memories. Tomorrow isn't promised so live for today.

Friday, June 27, 2014

American Clothes

You've got to read this.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I've been sick, nothing serious,  just a cold but a cold with an LVAD is so much worse. Hoping its near the end.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Project Uganda

Project H2O Uganda update. We need your help. www…:

Go England

I love the USA but I have to support my home team England in  this 2014 World Cup. I pray they do well but the world football giants are going to play awesome this year. Go England.

Monday, June 9, 2014


I wish I had a more reliable laptop to keep my website updated. But for now, this will do.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Donate life

Proud to be wearing this t-shirt. If you're not a donor then I can help you decide.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


What an honor to stand in front of a congregation and spread the word of The Lord. Thank you to Real Joy Community Fellowshilp, Chillicothe. 


Last day of school photo. How life changes from when he used to look forward to this day, now he dreads it because he'll miss all his friends.


Today I get to speak at a church. Wish me luck.

Saturday, May 31, 2014


Its been a good day celebrating graduations,  family in town and good old chit chat with awesome friends.  God is great.

FB update

I am no disciple, I am not selfless I am just like anyone else that would be put it that same situation. I have a wife that is 100 times more patient, giving, wonderful than I'll ever be. I was the blessed one that went through a miracle of life and change but she was the one that had to sit and watch a tragic tale. Walk in our shoes every day and it's not perfect, live my wife's struggle of health and family and I know you'll want to go back to your life. I still have to stop myself being judge mental and have to learn more about the bible. I am at the very start of chapter two. Our marriage is a hard and for Tracey a very trying time. We argue and disagree but eventually we see eye to eye. I couldn't do this without Tracey in my life. I am blessed to have her as one of the pieces in my puzzle of life.

I didn't step down because I had to, I stepped down because it's not my time and myself and Tracey agreed that our decision is what any Christian would do. Thank you to everyone that has prayed for this situation and please pray for the families of both the donors and recipients that are part of this story. Mark.

Friday, May 30, 2014


Just because your Friday is payday, or it's the end of your week, it's not everyone's happy day. So make it a happy day for a stranger.

Heart transplant

I have stepped down for a couple of weeks allowing another heart recipient to have a chance. It's all in gods hands.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

A heart

Another eventful day. More heart transplant news coming soon.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Church or not, just rejoice something this weekend. Preferably Jesus. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Food poisoning

When something doesn't smell or look good before cooking. Don't eat it.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Love our new LVAD shirts. Now I can sell them and raise some money for some awesome causes. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Wishing I could find a high paying fundee for H2O Uganda. I feel like I'm letting Francis down.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

Christ has risen

Blessings to you all in this time of rejoicing

H2O Uganda t-shirts

Proceeds of the shirts will go to building a well in Uganda. Look out for order forms. Coming very soon.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Monday, March 31, 2014

Friday, March 28, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Not alone

You're never alone when you have The Lord in your life.

Saying goodbye

Today a family friend is remembered and his family can say goodbye. Rest in paradise Bill

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day after Day

It's a scary thought to know that someone has to die to be able to save my life.

Great News

Scientists say they can take a pigs heart, clean it, add the patients stem cells and create a beating human heart

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Join FB

Come and join my Facebook group by clicking the Facebook button.


If you haven't done it this week, make someone smile.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


When you take a step, don't forget to step in front of the next step.

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Always make the most of sunny days because you'll need the memories on rainy days.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014


Happy Monday to you. May you share your riches on this pay it forward day.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines day

Remember those less fortunate than you, but still manage to share incredible love.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Check out the project page with new Uganda photos.

feed the Flock returns

Back to Feed the Flock this afternoon. The last two weeks were snow days, so it's nice to get back into it with the kids. 

I felt yucky this morning and really didn't want to do this, but when I think of the kids and hear their voices, well they inspire me. 

Got an awesome letter and photos from Uganda today which I will be posting on my website tonight. There are so many photos that I have to design a whole new page and you'll going to love Francis and three others doing the O.H.I.O

Have a wonderful rest of Hump Day. 


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014


Tell someone tomorrow that they are awesome. High five someone just to make them smile. 


How's your day going? 

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


Faith chose me and now my journey begins.