Many of you don't know this about me, but from the age of 15 i would mix music using tape decks, splicing tracks into tracks. Then I progressed to sampling, then I left school and began saving for a mixer and a pair of Technic 1200s. These were an absolute fortune in those days but i worked my arse off to finally get them.
My bedroom at home was full of vinyl records. I was part of the house/techno, garage, rave and electro scene. We understood the Prodigy and Keith was and still is a legend and hero in my music mixing days. One of my biggest regrets still to this day was not following my mixing, producing dj career but you just never know whats round the corner. Like a good friend told me, dont look to far ahead!
My brother even done some work on the Bands brand new Grand Cherokees which in England at that time were very American and cool. Everything on them were black and mysterious.
So i just watched this ITV news headline and it broke my heart to see that we were the same age. Another fact that probably none of you know and maybe its now a time to open up, is through this last 7 years I have hit rock bottom. And now as I get a second chance even with a new heart, you may not understand. It's easy to smile but inside the passion for life sometimes becomes just a flickering flame.
I have many many more challenges ahead of me and the strange realization of this story is that there are people from all walks of life that suffer from hitting rock bottom.
I am nearly done with my steroids that makes me very angry and irritable. Friday was my first psychologist appointment and my brain, thoughts and reasoning even scare me.
To all those that I've been mean too, angry too, verbally abusive and just outright disgusting, I am so sorry. I am ashamed of myself and find it hard to understand why things happen. I love being funny, making people laugh and making a difference in lives. People take me the wrong way sometimes. My psychologist made me realise a lot of things and told me off for many of my actions. I can't stop my brain from running at a million miles an hour. Hopefully the tools she's teaching me will help me in everyway possible.
This isn't the end but I am one of so many that never really show how bad it is.
At 50 i still remix music on my laptop, i love that Josh is musical and honestly age is nothing if it takes me back to what i loved.
Rest in Paradise Keith Flint and thank you for shaping my music experice in the 90s.
And i will admit, I cried and then just cried again as the date 1969 to 2019 came up on the screen. Heaven is going to be one crazy place this weekend. First ever rave party in the clouds. Like my mum used to say, "Mark keep the noise down."
And to this day, the Prodigy is on my playlist.
Also 31 years ago i lost my own father. I hope he can help me on my next bunch of health issues. He passed away of colon cancer and i now take rejection medicine i am more prone to this cancer disease than ever before.
As i write this i got another test result about another infection i have, if i dont watch out out and slip up i could go blind. Go figure. 😷
Report on Keith Flint death click on the left link to see what was reported.
Our presentation is on all the osu screens throughout the hospital.